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7 Reasons Why Employees Leave

Steve Nguyen, PhD

Updated: Aug 24, 2022

In “The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave (2005),” Leigh Branham outlined seven reasons why workers quit or leave their jobs:

  1. Reason #1: The Job or Workplace Was Not as Expected

  2. Reason #2: The Mismatch Between Job and Person

  3. Reason #3: Too Little Coaching and Feedback

  4. Reason #4: Too Few Growth and Advancement Opportunities

  5. Reason #5: Feeling Devalued And Unrecognized

  6. Reason #6: Stress From Overwork and Work-Life Imbalance

  7. Reason #7: Loss of Trust and Confidence in Senior Leaders

Branham asserted that there are two distinct periods when an employee thinks about leaving. The first period is the time between his or her first thoughts of leaving and the subsequent decision to leave. The second period in which the employee considers leaving is the time between his/her decision to leave and actually leaving.

Branham shared three tips that leaders can do to avoid losing employees:

  1. Inspire confidence in a clear vision, a workable plan and the competence to achieve it.

  2. Back up words with actions.

  3. Place the leader’s trust and confidence in the work force.

Written By: Steve Nguyen, Ph.D.

Organizational & Leadership Development Leader


Branham, L. (2005). The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave. Broadway, NY: AMACOM.

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